Educational Inclusion of High Ability/Gifted Students


  • Mariana - Carignani Casanova UDE



altas habilidades/superdotación, necesidades educativas especiales, estrategias educativas, inclusión educativa.


This case study was carried out with students with indicators of High Abilities/Gifted of 3rd. year of basic cycle and 1st. year of high school from two schools in the interior of Uruguay, their respective parents, and teachers. The participants responded to semi-structured interviews, screening instruments for High Abilities/Gifted indicators and questionnaires for individual identification of High Abilities/Gifted indicators. The main objective was to investigate what are the educational strategies used with students with indicators of High Abilities/Giftedness of 3rd. year of basic cycle and 1st. year of high school from two high schools in the interior of Uruguay and the adaptation to their needs. The results show the invisibility of students with High Abilities/Gifted in the schools, the identification of 8 (7,61%) students who present indicators of High Abilities/Gifted, the lack of effective identification and educational attention to this public, as well as the lack of regulations.

Keywords: high abilities/giftedness, special educational needs, educational strategies, educational inclusion.


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How to Cite

Carignani Casanova, M. .-. (2022). Educational Inclusion of High Ability/Gifted Students. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 10(1), 28–52.