Levels of awareness in the use of ICTs taken to research in Education





TIC y Educación, Niveles de Conciencia, Docencia


Education, as well as the use of ICT, are characterized by the social and cultural essence that demarcates them. For this reason, when investigating them it is essential to look at them comprehensively, interpreting them from the individuals who star in it, but also from their groups, their history, their context. Based on this, the concern arises to present a methodological alternative that allows comprehensive knowledge of the levels of awareness in the use of ICT in the educational context, from its protagonists. To achieve this, the Dynamic Spiral of Development adapted to the Levels of Consciousness in the use of ICT is taken as a support point, a theoretical approach that arises from two of the most significant foundations of the Integral-Holonic approach: the holographic theory and the Spiral Dynamics. Each level of consciousness gives the possibility of describing a perspective of ICT and the potential of the subject who uses them. In the spiral there are seven levels through which you can travel and deepen these potentialities, understanding that the stages or levels are not exclusive. Each level represents a representation of ICT in the educational context in which the participating subjects operate, but also implies the possibility of moving to any of the other levels of the spiral. The theoretical and methodological aspects that frame the identification of these levels of consciousness make it possible to guarantee scientific rigor in the research. Which leads to a more accurate approach to said reality.


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How to Cite

Segura Vera, M. (2024). Levels of awareness in the use of ICTs taken to research in Education. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 12(1), 26–37. https://doi.org/10.48163/rseus.2024.12126-37