O desvelar dos saberes, dos sentidos, dos significados e das narrativas educacionais das mulheres estudantes privadas de liberdade do Instituto Penal Talavera Bruce (IPTB) - Rio de Janeiro – Brasil


  • Marli Tavares


narrativas educacionais, mulheres privadas de liberdade, mulheres estudantes


This summary is an extract from a Doctoral Thesis project in Education from the Universidad de la Empresa, Faculty of Sciences of Montevideo – Uruguay. The research will be carried out in a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive manner. It is in the construction phase entitled: the unveiling of knowledge, senses, meanings and educational narratives of students deprived of liberty at the Talavera Bruce Penal Institute (IPTB) – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The General Objective of the research is: to analyze prison education as a factor of emancipation of students deprived of liberty in Talavera Bruce - Penal Institute - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. The Specific Objectives will be: to understand the educational behavior of the students deprived of liberty of the Talavera Bruce Penal Institute; identify the factors that led incarcerated students to return to school and identify the factors that incarcerated students associate with their studies and the possibility of resocialization in extramural society. The object of study are incarcerated women students of the penitentiary system from the perspective of oral history narrative.


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How to Cite

Tavares, M. (2023). O desvelar dos saberes, dos sentidos, dos significados e das narrativas educacionais das mulheres estudantes privadas de liberdade do Instituto Penal Talavera Bruce (IPTB) - Rio de Janeiro – Brasil. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 11(Esp). Retrieved from https://rifedu.ude.edu.uy/index.php/RSEUS/article/view/225