The trajectory of students from the municipal schools of Balneário Camboriú to the High Abilities/Giftedness center in 2022, from the perspective of their families and teachers


  • Maristela Trestini


Altas Habilidades/Superdotación, Familia, AH/SD


The trajectory of students from the municipal schools of Balneário Camboriú towards the High Abilities/Gifted Center in 2022, from the perspective of their families and teachers”, aims to identify how this inclusion process occurred in the High Abilities/Gifted Center. Giftedness, from teachers. ' from the perspective of the schools of the students who present such characteristics, as well as the parents of the students already identified. Participants will be parents or guardians, teachers, and school administrators of students who have AH/SD. In Balneário Camboriú, in 2019, the Support Center for High Abilities/Giftedness was inaugurated, a municipal center that aims to serve students with HA/SD from schools linked to the municipality. This center aims to work on the skills and areas of interest of these people, in addition to helping them identify themselves


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How to Cite

Trestini, M. (2023). The trajectory of students from the municipal schools of Balneário Camboriú to the High Abilities/Giftedness center in 2022, from the perspective of their families and teachers. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 11(Esp). Retrieved from