Phenomenography as a methodological alternative in the Social Sciences and Humanities


  • Luis Gustavo Nunes
  • Marymili Segura Vera



fenomenografia, metodologia, Ciências Sociais, pesquisa


This article seeks to describe in detail phenomenography as an alternative methodology applied to research in Social and Humanistic Sciences. The article describes the creation of this method by Ference Marton in the late 1970s and its development and structuring based on authors such as Marton himself, Booth, Halsselgreen and Bowden. The phases that make up the phenomenographic method are also presented, namely: selection of participants, conducting interviews, transcription of interviews, data analysis (selection of quotes, interpretation, formation of descriptive categories) and organization of the results space. This research was developed within the framework of a bibliographic design, documentary type, at a descriptive level. Phenomenography has proven to be consistently adequate as a methodology in qualitative research, either because of the epistemological support that characterizes it, or because of the specificity of the phases that compose it, in which both the subjects involved and the way in which they are Information is obtained and taken into account and processed within a qualitative perspective. Given the social changes that have been experienced recently, such as globalization, information and communications technologies and the diversity of thought that characterizes different social groups, it is increasingly necessary to approach reality from the differences to reach bases that allow humanity to continue evolving. . For which Phenomenography becomes the most suitable alternative.


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How to Cite

Nunes, L. G., & Segura Vera, M. (2022). Phenomenography as a methodological alternative in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 10(1), 80–95.