As tecnologias digitais no projeto trajetórias criativas: autoria e inovação pedagógica


  • Alexsandro dos Santos Machado
  • Maria Tanise Raphaelli Bosquerolli Antunes



tecnologias digitais, Autoria, Inovação pedagógica


This work presents the preliminary analysis of a research in progress that aims at investigating the use of digital technologies in the Creative Trajectories project as tools that promote authorship and pedagogical innovation. It was a descriptive exploratory research, with a qualitative approach, based on a case study where it is intended to describe how technologies are used by students in the execution of the project, in addition to identifying obstacles faced in the learning process and the alternatives found to solve them. In this article, it was considered the bibliography that deals with the theme addressed and the perceptions of students from a public school in the state public school, located in Porto Alegre / Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, externalized in the conversation circle. As a result, it was found that digital technologies served as authoring tools and facilitators of innovation in the learning of these students.


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How to Cite

dos Santos Machado, A., & Raphaelli Bosquerolli Antunes, M. T. (2020). As tecnologias digitais no projeto trajetórias criativas: autoria e inovação pedagógica. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 8(1), 11–23.