Gender, art and feminism: a view from de Uruguayan Northeast


  • Ana María Casnati Universidad de la empresa



gender, educaction, feminism, art.


This work is part of the line of Gender and Power studies of the Center for Multireferential Biographical Studies in Education (CEMBE), which aims to investigate and promote professionals trained to co-construct cognitive processes motivated for analytical understanding based on a political dialogue radically involved in caring for oneself, for others, for the environment, for life. The category “gender” contributes to defining the system of oppression of women deeply rooted in conditions of cultural, social, economic, and political subjugation and submission. This gender category constitutes an important instrument used by feminist women to contribute to developing a critical analysis of the interrelationships of productive capitalism and the repressive nature of patriarchy in the Uruguayan state. It concludes by reflecting on feminism, art, and identification, proposing the construction of possible citizenship from the South in Multireferential Learning Environments (Casnati, Galeffi, 2014) (Casnati, Cuadro, 2017). In art, as in all areas of life for Uruguayan women, equal opportunities are currently far from being equitable for men and women, so the principle that underpins the development of this work is based on the need to maintain an epistemic justice built from a politics of knowledge that can manage to decolonize the fields of knowledge, bodies, and the representational policies of hegemonic feminism so questioned by feminisms (Bidaseca, 2016).


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How to Cite

Casnati, A. M. (2024). Gender, art and feminism: a view from de Uruguayan Northeast. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 12(1), 11–25.