Training for citizenship. Analysis from the reality of Uruguay


  • Juan Manuel Sarochar


Educación, Ciudadanía, Escuela


Formal education spaces, although not exclusively, play a fundamental role in promoting training for citizenship, and not only because there are subjects whose center is, precisely, to contribute to this, but because it is assumed that Educational centers are, in themselves, spaces for experiencing varied social interactions in which both children and young people have the opportunity to experience and apprehend some of the most fundamental values ​​and principles of citizenship, essential for the full exercise of political and social citizenship. (Buxarrais, 2009; Redon, 2010). In this way, it is conceived that educational centers are places where (in relation - discordant or not - with the dynamics of the family environment, the peer group, other social groups and the media) the new generations take their first steps. in basic aspects of the process of socialization and citizen coexistence.


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How to Cite

Sarochar, J. M. (2023). Training for citizenship. Analysis from the reality of Uruguay. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 11(Esp). Retrieved from