Academic perceptions into remote education: challenges and possibilities of the Special Home Exercise Regime




relato de experiência, ensino remoto, novas tecnologias, desafios, possibilidades


This article was based on the experience reports of two students of the Daytime Pedagogy course, at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) - located in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - who are participating in the Regime de Exercícios Domiciliares Especiais (REDE), which was adopted during the suspension of face-to-face activities from the University, caused because of the Covid-19 pandemic (march/2020). Methodologically, the research qualifies as qualitative, typed like experience report, which is based on the description, interpreting and assimilating about phenomena experienced in a given historical period. From the analysis of article experiences, five categories were listed: "How did the change from face-to-face to remote happen?"; "Challenges of studying at home"; "Difficulties in remote education"; "Methodologies adopted by teachers in remote education: which one helped and which one hindered learning" and "Adequacy regarding the use of new information and communication technologies to manage learning processes''. According to the exhibitions, we realize that academics have much to say about the pandemic, remote education, physical distancing, needs, challenges, preferences and what it is like to "be an academic" on a daily basis. We analyze the importance of the REDE during this process of adaptations by both professors and academics, and in a significant way, as far as possible, keep links and increase learning. We conclude that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) were essential and, despite all complications, caused numerous discoveries about something often seen as distant from the academic reality.


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Author Biographies

Priscila Michelon Giovelli, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Acadêmica do Curso de Pedagogia - Licenciatura Plena

Thaieni Mazetto Costa, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Acadêmica do Curso de Pedagogia - Licenciatura Plena



How to Cite

Devalle Rech, A. J., Giovelli, P. M., & Costa, T. M. (2022). Academic perceptions into remote education: challenges and possibilities of the Special Home Exercise Regime. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 10(1), 53–64.