El problema del Déficit de Reconocimiento dentro de las instituciones de enseñanza secundaria del Uruguay


  • Marcelo Gambini




Déficit de reconocimiento, Educación secundaria, formación


In this work it is proposed to carry out a study on the problem of recognition deficit within the Secondary Education institutions of Uruguay, based on the reading of Hegel (1805-1806/1984; 2015) and Honneth (2009), with the understanding that it is possible to understand the problem of poor functioning of Secondary Education institutions as a social pathology. While the problems of these institutions refer to a deficit in the rationality that guides them, this affects the grammar of intersubjective recognition (teacher-student), giving rise to a deficit of recognition of the teaching authority and those students who do not adapt to institutional requirements.


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How to Cite

Gambini, M. (2019). El problema del Déficit de Reconocimiento dentro de las instituciones de enseñanza secundaria del Uruguay. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 7(1), 49–54. https://doi.org/10.48163/rseus.2019.7149-54