Algunas reflexiones acerca de un posible proceso de reinstitucionalización en las instituciones de la educación superior. Some ideas on a possible process of re-institutionalization in higher education institutions


  • Alejandra Capocasale



Educación Superior-Democracia-Socialización inclusiva


Every society that prides itself on being democratic addresses Higher Education as a social and public good.
as a human right. It is key to understand what separates the student from the past. traditional and fixed and leads towards an emancipation through which subjects are religated based on their own anthropological questions, his being in the world, his drives with the cultural universal. The school form in The 21st century is highly complex and diverse. However, it persists within a traditional form that remains hegemonic within a constantly changing Western social order. The education Higher is the educational space where a process of re-institutionalization of education should take place. democratic and inclusive educational institution as a social and collective project.


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How to Cite

Capocasale, A. (2019). Algunas reflexiones acerca de un posible proceso de reinstitucionalización en las instituciones de la educación superior. Some ideas on a possible process of re-institutionalization in higher education institutions. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 7(1), 9–14.