Complexity and Performance Sport in University Teaching and Research


  • Andrés González Ramírez



Complejidad, técnica deportiva, táctica deportiva, condición física, rendimiento deportivo


Sport is a highly complex phenomenon and its study can be carried out from multiple perspectives. We focus our interest on performance and high-performance sports thought from the national context of Uruguay and its relationship with other international spheres. This reflection article aims to present and discuss the advances that are being developed in teaching and university research proposals in the factors of sports performance: technique, tactics and physical preparation. From a theoretical point of view we start from the conceptual framework of the perspective of complexity and its relationship with sport. In this teaching proposal we delve into these concepts at different levels of university education. Thus, the integration of this perspective has an impact on the proposals for training and training of athletes. Closely related to teaching, research is a central aspect. Advances in sports performance studies with different methodologies have allowed us to evolve from proposals
simple observational studies of a descriptive and linear nature, to the current proposals that address a multiplicity of factors that affect performance, integrating mixed methodologies and incorporating artificial intelligence models. This advance is relevant in the Uruguayan context since different proposals under development will allow us to deepen and address the specific circumstances of the country's athletes and teams, where performance factors are manifested in their own and differentiated manner in both local and international competition.


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How to Cite

González Ramírez, A. (2022). Complexity and Performance Sport in University Teaching and Research. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 10(1), 65–79.