Uso de tecnologías en las infancias: pautas transaccionales y estrategias de socialización familiares


  • Paula Gabriela Irueste
  • María Barotto
  • Sofía Samanón
  • Melisa Belén Taormina



uso de tecnologías, familias, pautas transaccionales, estrategias de socialización, infancias


The present study has been made in 2019 and focuses on learning about the use of technology in children between 4 and 12 years of age, concerning transactional guidelines and socialization strategies implemented by families. We carried out a mixed type of study, and we used two types of tools: a semistructured interview and an anonymous Ad hoc questionnaire. The studied population corresponds to persons in charge (fathers, mothers, tutors) of the children between 4 and 12 years. The achieved results revealed that infants made use of technological devices for between two and three  hours every day from the early months or years of their life. Adults also made use of these devices and it often was


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How to Cite

Irueste, P. G., Barotto, M., Samanón, S., & Taormina, M. B. (2021). Uso de tecnologías en las infancias: pautas transaccionales y estrategias de socialización familiares. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 9(1), 11–32.