Associações entre parâmetros da microestrutura do sono e inteligência em estudantes universitários


  • Karen Canni da Costa Drabach, Mestre Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Tatiana Izabele Jaworski de Sá Riechi, Pós Doutora
  • Laura Ceretta Moreira, Dra USP



inteligência, medicina do sono, superdotados.


A search for biological indicators of sleepiness associated with human intelligence has been the subject of research for many years. The possible
relationship between sleepiness and intelligence can improve the interdisciplinary study between psychology and biology providing an innovation
of knowledge and news looks to the professional action and to the people whose needs it. The objective is to analyze the microstructure of sleepiness,
NREM2, 3 with the inteEmlligence quotient. The sample was made of N= 40 healthy adults subdivided later in two groups: Intelligence quotient under of 130
and above of 130 submitted to a poly sonography of naps without sleep interruption, the role of actigraphy and psychological evaluation protocol the
(Wechsler scale of intelligence for adults -III). In the comparison of groups, no significant differences were found. There was a higher prevalence of high
abilities in the studied population sample. The conclusion points to a tendency to a positive correlation between microstructure of sleepiness and intelligence.


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How to Cite

da Costa Drabach, K. C., Jaworski de Sá Riechi, T. I., & Ceretta Moreira, L. (2020). Associações entre parâmetros da microestrutura do sono e inteligência em estudantes universitários. Revista Sudamericana De Educación, Universidad Y Sociedad, 8(1), 123–138.