The gender relationship in the identification of High Abilities/Giftedness in the school context


  • Cleide Covacevich Giovannetti Universidad de la Empresa



altas habilidades, superdotação, gênero, identificação


Aiming to understand the relationship between gender and the identification of students with High Ability/Giftedness (HA/G) indicators, this article brings some theoretical reflections on HA/G, gender culture and the identification of students with HA/G, in Education Fundamental, as well as the need for initial and/or continuing training for teachers. To carry out the research, we chose to carry out a bibliographic review on the research carried out in the area. The theme analyzes the works of Gardner (1995), Alencar and Fleith (2001), Renzulli (2004, 2014), Auad (2006), Muñoz and Guerreiro (2006), Freitas and Pérez (2012, 2016), seeking to understand the relationship between the identification of HA/SD and the issue of gender in the school context. The results found point to a stereotypical gender discourse, where boys and girls have well-defined roles and, consequently, girls with HA/G continue to be increasingly invisible in their potential and abilities. Teacher training in this area is urgent and more than necessary to create opportunities for girls with HA/G.

 Keywords: High abilities, Giftedness, Gender, Identification.


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