National History Olympiad of Brazil: A Perspective with Apoena on the Narrative of the Pillars of Brazilian Education


  • Weber Campos de Souza UDE Universidad de la Empresa



education, Brazil, national history Olympiad, significant learning


This study addresses the influence of the National History Olympiad of Brazil (ONHB) on the teaching of History in Middle School. Drawing on the four pillars of education - learning to know, to do, to live together, and to be - the study highlights the importance of ONHB as a significant experience of historical, reflective, and cultural learning. The indigenous concept apoena, meaning "one who sees further," is introduced to emphasize the role of the Olympiad in promoting active, protagonist, and collaborative teaching in the Humanities. We explore the guidelines of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), which are enhanced by the use of ONHB in History teaching, emphasizing the importance of the Olympiad's didactics. The study presents the relevance of ONHB in the ethical and civic formation of students, paving the way for discussions on social, political, economic, and environmental issues. The target audience is 8th and 9th-grade students in Middle School, considering the age group when ONHB begins. Finally, we highlight the contribution of ONHB to the development of critical, social, and historical thinking in students, strengthening humanized and protagonist education.


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