Child development in homeschooling: a longitudinal study on the impacts of homeschooling on children's learning and emotional well-being


  • Junior Aparecido Cardoso Peres Universidad de la Empresa - UDE



This longitudinal study aims to take a deep look at the impact of homeschooling on education, incorporating the theories of Edgar Morin and Jack Delors, along with the research of authors identified through the "Publish or Parish" app. It is intended to provide information to parents and guardians to make decisions about their children's education, as homeschooling, also known as homeschooling, has gained popularity as a personalized educational option for parents who wish to meet the individual needs of their children. However, issues related to child development and the possible impacts on learning and emotional well-being are still a matter of debate. This longitudinal study sought to investigate the effects of homeschooling on child development, focusing on children's learning and emotional well-being. While homeschooling can provide a welcoming and safe environment, promoting self-esteem and reducing stress, a lack of social interactions and diversity of perspectives can lead to loneliness and isolation, limiting the development of empathy and compassion. The conclusions highlighted that homeschooling presents more harm than good for the children involved in this type of education since the education of children involves humanization, empathy and the formation of an empathetic citizen, autonomous and able to contribute to the improvement of society.

