Education, Democracy and Art Teaching in the context of a pandemic


  • Luciana Moraes Soares Universidad de la Empresa



The present work is the result of studies carried out in the Ethics, Democracy and Education discipline of the Master's program in Education at the Universidad de la Empresa (UDE-Montevideo), from the analysis of the works School and Democracy and Educar na planetary era, by the authors Saviani (2012) and Morin (2003) respectively, as well as the dialogue between theorists Galeano (2020), Touraine (2011), Calligaris (2021), Barbosa (2005; 2011) and Sibilia (2012). To carry out this work, theoretical references in books and videos, available on Youtube, were used. This work aims to socialize some reflections on the teaching of art from the perspective of a discipline of resistance that problematizes contemporaneity, in the context of a pandemic. It also presents some challenges and concerns imposed by the pandemic, and the pandemic in this scenario may have provided a paradigm shift in relation to the use of technologies in educational planning, at the same time, in which it configures itself as an excluding proposal.

Keywords: Education; Art education; Technologie; Pandemic

