Teoria do solucionismo tecnológico: perspectivas educacionais Pós Covid-19


  • Junior Aparecido Cardoso Peres Universidad de la Empresa - UDE




This article aimed to present the Theory of Technological Solutionism and how it behaves in the face of the educational situation in the face of the reality of Distance Education (DE). A graph was presented in which it denotes that distance education in Brazil will be one of the most accepted and widespread educational means, surpassing face-to-face education, and because of these data the Theory of technological solutionism: post-covid-19 educational perspectives was necessary.

The article was based on the qualitative study methodology with a bibliographic review in renowned education authors and in ECLAC UNESCO: La educación en tiempos de pandemic de Agosto de 2020, concluding that the educational system needed and needs to reinvent itself daily in the technological aspect, to adapt and accepting technicist attributions, as this will be one of the main ways to reach some groups of students, in many spheres, thus, the Theory of Technological Solutionism in the Educational System contributes by validating parts of Morozov's conceptions (2020).

Based on these assumptions and the unbridled growth of technology and the Covid-19 pandemic that devastated the world, the educational system had to adapt some principles, premises on which this article was justified. This writing was intended for all education professionals, elucidating and guiding about this educational methodology that is imminent, given that technology has always been present in the daily life of society, but from the Covid-19 Pandemic technology has been made even more. more as a solver of many problems, mainly in education.

