Los programas de alfabetización en Brasil: breve análisis basado en el enfoque del ciclo de políticas


  • Heloisa Maria de Morais Giannichi Maria Eli de Morais





In the last 30 (thirty) years, the Brazilian population has known five different literacy programs. These constant and controversial changes impact the advances in public educational policies. To understand these programs’ proposals from the perspective presented by the Policy Cycle Approach of Stephen Ball and his collaborators, this article presented their political contexts, the objectives/goals, and impacts/outcomes/effects generated. It was reviewed the implementation documents of the last five literacy programs (PNAC, PCN, PROFA, PNAIC, PNA). Thus, it was possible to conclude that they show the government’s intentions for the society and also the ideologies that underlie it. This way, the reasons for their failures and the motivations for the program’s replacement were highlighted.


Key words: Programs; Brasil; Literacy; Policy Cycle.

