A motivação da criatividade nos universitários de Pedagogia


  • Tiago Augusto de Figueiredo Cioni de Fátima Ferreira Figueiredo




The study presents a proposal to verify one of the current and future labour market demands, concerning the scope of creativity, especially if this is being motivated by teachers to Pedagogy undergraduates. When approaching the creativity theme, one seeks to imagine that it must be acknowledged in all education agents, therefore, research must be limited to one of these fields in order to establish the identification of the formation of this attribute of creativity, therefore, one focuses on Pedagogy, more specifically on final year course students, as it is the course responsible for teacher training, to analyse if these future teachers are acquiring such principles to apply in their professional life, this group in special is sought, precisely because it is the educational trainer for children and adolescents. It has as objective the search for a creative value and if the current university students of the Pedagogy course are being motivated to establish and develop these creative ideals, in order to apply these concepts of high importance in their pedagogical practice. The methodological design is linked to qualitative research, in a bibliographical study.

Keywords: Creativity. Pedagogy. Higher education.

