Assessment of innovation capabilities:

a case study in a Colombian univiersity




Every company constitutes within itself several resources organized by and for the achievement of its objectives, to promote a competitive advantage based on innovation, the use and management of these resources define and differentiate one company from another. The objective of the study is: to investigate which elements generate intrinsic associativity in favor of innovation; the underlying methodology will be the reliability coefficient observed with Cronbach's Alpha, subsequently, a categorical associative assessment by means of Multiple Correspondence Analysis; as results we have that: teamwork, internal communication, knowledge and the insertion of new technologies, are the circumstantial elements in the innovation of this institution of higher education; it is pertinent to value such incidences with the purpose of improving and reaching an innovative point that promotes a competitive advantage in the future, it is necessary to emphasize that technology is not the key element, the key factor is to concatenate technology with the commitment of the members of the organization.

